Monday, July 30, 2012

d20 Critical Hit

I'm not necessarily a big RPG guy but this caught my attention--

I think this is about a 9.5 on the old awesome meter. It is ten bucks, a little pricey for a die, but the the RPG geek cred you rack up is worth the cost.

Without the die this guy is just a dude with his mom's dish towel wrapped around his head.

You can own this piece of  RPG Nirvana here:

Friday, July 20, 2012

Apollo 11 +43

Here I am enjoying a celebratory cigar in honor of the 43rd anniversary of the first manned landing on the moon. Mike, Neil and Buzz, here's to you, boys! Job well done.

Hello there!

Yes, I've started ANOTHER blog. Because if there is one thing my wife complains about it is that I don't spend enough time on the computer. This makes number 5. These 5 blogs replace my old Typepad blogs. I've compartmentalized them so Sci/Fi and Star Trek end up of Rockets, Robots & Ray Guns, Comics and superhero stuff makes its way to Supa Cat Daddy, Anaglyphopolis is all about 3D and historical and Steampunk stuff naturally goes on The Gentleman Time Traveler. This blog I'll reserve for mundane rants and observations.