Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Making FaceBook Cover Pictures For Desktop & Mobile

I'm finicky when it comes to the appearance of my FaceBook page. I want a cover picture that looks good on both my desktop and my iPhone, but creating such an image can be tricky.
What looks good on the computer--

FaceBook Cover Picture As It Appears On My PC

May look awful on the smart phone--
As It Appears On My iPhone

And it's tough to get it right by trial and error.

Aw Man!

So I designed a template that marks out the proper proportions for both computer and iPhone to help layout pictures so they'll look their best on both.

Right Click and choose, "Save Image As"
You can layout a smart looking cover picture by simply keeping your main visual element confined within the center boundary. Add details on either side to create impact when viewed on a computer monitor. Be aware that your profile picture will be moved and re-sized by the smartphone when the image is scaled to fit, and both sides of the picture will be cropped of f .

Feel free to download the template and use it to create your own smartphone optimized cover pictures.

Here are some examples of cover pictures I've designed using the template.

In Honor of The 43 Anniversary of The Moon Landing

For The Premier of "The Dark Knight Rises."

Tribute to "The Green Slime."

When translated to iPhone the Flaming Eye of Scorn is somewhat centered on the screen.

I also try to keep my profile picture relevant and stylistically compatible with my cover picture.

Starry, Starry Mike paint your Facebook blue and gray...

That's all there is to it. Soon you'll be knocking out great FaceBook cover pictures like a pro. Happy FaceBooking!

1 comment:

  1. Very clever of you. :)

    I don't have FB timeline. I don't believe in it. :P I'm a Luddite at heart, apparently. (Ann)


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