Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Out of The Frying Pan

Hash Brown Casserole

It's happened. I've signed up on a recipe site. I've installed a recipe app. I've become that guy. School has started again for the Fall and my Sweet Victoria Rose has begun her circuitous teaching schedule, traveling around central Texas more that an itinerant preacher I've decided to step up to the plate, quite literally and shoulder most of the cooking burden. That means finding recipes that we will both enjoy, shopping for ingredients for said recipes and preparing them with a minimum  of food waste, smoke and/or fire.

I used to be a pretty decent cook in my college days, but I've gotten lazy and out of practice over the years. I need to get my chops up-- pork and otherwise, in the kitchen. If I'm lucky cooking will be like riding a bicycle, except with fewer skinned knees and pant-legs caught in the chain. Am I up to it? Only time and my egg timer will tell.

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